This project was created as part of the Amalgama Gráfica Internacional Contemporánea initiative, organized by Ediciones Patanegra & Fermín Santos López. It facilitates an international exchange of prints among emerging printmakers, showcasing the work of eighteen artists who study at the six participating Art Schools. Aimed at broadening public engagement with graphic art, the project promotes exhibitions that highlight the diverse techniques and creative expressions of the artists involved. The portfolio will be exhibited at the six represented Art Schools as well as at the International Print Festival FIG Bilbao 2024.
Year: 2024
Technique: Woodcut and Screeprinting 1 colour
Dimensions: Print | 52 cm x 38 cm
Paper: Canson Edition 250 gms
On social media, and consequently in reality, social masks become prominent, leading to the creation of idealised images and a loss of authenticity. The anonymity of the online world allows individuals to experiment with different identities, raising the question: are we neglecting the natural in favour of the artificial? Social masks evolve into complex tools of self-representation in the digital age. It is essential to recognise this duality and reflect on the complexity of the human condition within this increasingly interconnected social landscape.
This project centres around the creation of a dance score intended for interpretation by students from the Department of Theatre. As part of the subject Printing Techniques II, the students collaborated to construct a box containing 24 screen prints. We produced a total of 30 copies, with some reserved for exhibition and artist proofs. Ultimately, the boxes were distributed among the participants, allowing each student to keep a print created by their peers. Additionally, some of the screen prints will be selected for choreographic interpretation.
Year: 2024
Technique: Screenpriting 3 colours
Dimensions: 30 cm x 30 cm
Paper: Canson 250 gms